Weight Loss

Semaglutide and Tirzepatide have received a lot of attention for their ability to help people lose weight. At Hines Prescription Shop, we are offering the highest quality Semaglutide and Tirzepatide products to our patients. Our product is purchased from an FDA registered facility, and shipped directly to our pharmacy overnight. This company provides us with a Certificate of Analysis for every shipment. This ensures that the product we are dispensing to you is what it says it is. 

These peptides do require a prescription from your healthcare provider. We can work with you and your provider to get you the peptide you need.

How do these medications work?

These medications mimic the effects of a naturally occuring peptide known as glucagon like peptide 1 (GLP-1). GLP-1 has several effects on the body. 

  1. It increases insulin secretion. This helps to lower your blood sugar levels. 

  2. Slows gastric emptying. By slowing digestion, you get less glucose into your bloodstream.

  3. Increases how full you feel after eating.

Patients on semaglutide may be able to expect a total weight loss of 10-15% of their body weight over the course of a year. Patients on tirzepatide may be able to expect a weight loss of 20-25% of their body weight over a year.


Our semaglutide starts at $150 a month for the 1mg vial, and goes up to $225 for a 5mg vial. The lowest dose of 0.25mg each week can use the 1mg vial. All other doses would require the 5mg vial. 

Our tirzepatide is $349 for a 20mg vial. This can provide you up to the 5mg dose each week before you would need 2 vials.

Another thing to consider

These medications have been helping many people reach their goals. One thing to keep in mind if you choose to use semaglutide or tirzepatide is that some of that weight loss includes muscle mass. Maintaining muscle mass is an important part of living a long and healthy life as well. If you are using these medications, make sure to increase your protein intake - whether through your diet or through a supplement - and be sure to lift weights on a regular schedule. That will help you fight against muscle loss while you are losing weight. 

If you are ready to start your journey, we are here to help. Fill out our contact form, or give us a call today.

Side Effects

Common side effects include nausea and constipation. The nausea is very common when you start therapy, and when you increase doses. It can last for a few days, although some people do struggle with nausea throughout therapy.

Constipation happens because we are slowing down digestion. It is important while taking these medications to increase your fluid intake (water and electrolytes), maintain a healthy diet that includes sources of fiber (apples, pears, broccoli, leafy greens, and a supplement if needed), and exercise appropriately. 

Patients on these medications can be at an increased risk for acute pancreatitis. Symptoms can include severe stomach pain that moves to your back or chest, severe nausea and vomiting (beyond nausea experienced normally with semaglutide), fever, rapid heart rate, and swelling in the abdomen. If these symptoms persist for more than 20 minutes, consult your healthcare provider or go to the emergency room. 

If you have a history of gastrointestinal issues, please discuss these concerns with your doctor.